"Home of the Juicy Lucy" Matt's Bar, Minneapolis
On a snowy cold Minnesota day I often think about having a nice warm, melted cheese-stuffed "Juicy Lucy" burger at Matt's Bar. A legendary burger almost as dangerous as it is delicious. Where the compassionate staff asks as they serve their weaponized burger if "you've had the Juicy Lucy before?", in the kind hope of preventing yet another overly enthusiastic newbie from biting too quickly and carelessly into the burger and having some of its lava-hot melted cheese contents spill onto their chin and chest like Vesuvius onto Pompeii.
I know; I've done the wide-eyed "It's hot, it's hot!!" hand-waving jitterbug dance .... and it was so worth it.
I know; I've done the wide-eyed "It's hot, it's hot!!" hand-waving jitterbug dance .... and it was so worth it.